
Showing posts from May, 2020

Unthinkable has happened Part 2

Apr- May   Kismat itni bhi buri nahi hai.  After initial struggle and things have settled down in office, realizing that without lockdown woudnt have got such a lovely time with family. feels scary wife, parents at home  24*7 .. you would want to be in same situation ;) but the reality was different and lucky that parents are here . Without them it would have been so difficult to go through this crazy time. Ridit is happy and he has all the time Dadu/Dadi to play, talk. Pratichi and me can focus on work during day time. Never talked to Mom/Dad every day since left college in 1999. SO after 21 years , having wonderful time with family. Weekend /friday are amazing . Pratichi planning parties in balcony and Ridit and Dadu/Dadi enjoying like anything.  I think with all jobs, and option to go out , we loose the meaning of family.  Covid has impacted badly on everything except making us understand what is important in life and that is family and friends whom you ...

Unthinkable has happened Part 1

 Apr - May 2020 So unthinkable has happened , Its  been months since school got closed. Working from home since March 12. The dry run which was supposed to be for 3 days have become permanent since then. In Dec last year , used to hear stories of China lockdown and how bodies are lying on roads and no one touching. Then Italy stories where ppl were staying in their balconies during lockdown. Never thought we would be in same mess in months time. SO here we are in lockdown. Lot of challenges WFH. Network issues , every morning meeting at 10 and 10:30 with team just to ensure team started handling issues. Took weeks  of effort to streamline how to interact with team on daily basis when all are working from home. Taking additional responsibility of discussing personal issues with team in addition to professional onces. Calling on weekend to each and everyone to understand how they are coping up with this new reality of being at home all the time. Good thing most of the team ...