After long long time- Episode 1

Must be wondering why I returned to blogging after so many years. Well sometimes  you just dont realize where life is taking you until you get a punch.

That punch came in the form of "Cough". Sounds simple and foolish  ?? wait till you read my blog !!1

More than 6 weeks back cough and cold started.. As usual waited few days.. As you predicted it didnt go.Doctor inside made me took "No cold" medicines which i normally dont take.

Cough took turns and changed into cough dry. It was the first indication something worse is coming.

first antibiotic course started.... No effect ..
Doctor change. another Antibiotic and allegy medicines.... No effect
Another doctor changes. Antibiotics changes... No effect
oops Last doctor was more sympathetic so no antibiotics this time. but Antacid and allery medicines continued.

During week 3rd and fourth , My super computer was working day and night to find the source of allery started with the beautiful plans in magarpatta to water coming out of our filter ;)

1 month gone .. and Did I mention the sounds I produces during those cough fits and breathlessness, i could sell those to horror movies :) too bad didnt record ..

 and one thing i forgot Vomiting also as cough was so hard it was hard to keep stomach stuff inside.

and No sleep at night.I have forgot what few hours sleep is like :) Cough is so hard you have to wake up every hour, tears almost comes to eyes, grab your breath after fits, have some water and go back to sleep if any again to wake up in some time.

So 1 month gone and Doc requested for test. well These days most patients does not worry from disease rather than bill and diagnostic tests :) Same was the case with me. in Apr month itself I am done with my 2014 year quota of medical bills. Well well as expected everything came clean ..

Doc still adamant its alleryg. After loosing all hope Techno inside me took over and started looking into  guess where our "God father" .. The Google ..

Hope one day google can  see and feel symptoms and produce less results so that we wont have to filter ;)

Anyways what I found on web is somethings which doctors could not tell me ( thats what I believe) is that my symptoms are not allergy but "whooping cough" which is usually happen to children except last few years its attacking adults also. No one can confirm though coz it can be tested in first 2-3 weeks only.

As expected my doc didnt agree that I can have that. So i stopped all medicines coz there is no medicine for this.

Atleast  going through the ppl experince on web, got strentgh  and mentally prepared to fight it for next few months. Yeah boy .. it can go for 3 months.

Didnt imagine in my life that even cough can made you think so many things which you otherwise just ignore.

Till now I have tried everything which i thought i would never need. To name few ..  Gargles, steam,honey, hot water bottle , haldi milk..  Still few suggestion pending like Gudh, jalebi with milk, ghee etc ;)

Its still not over and fight is continuing.

My ribs are bruised still not fractured. wondering what I am talking about ?? Man Cough fits  can cause this . go to google . even I was laughing 3 weeks back reading this until it happens to me :) infact ppl have written they got blanked out few times. hope this does not happen to me .

All my movements are  limited , even changing sides at night need few minutes :)

6 weeks gone and not sure when I will be normal again and can have Corona ..
and when can I sleep...

Just wanted to put my mental condition in words...

So that is why i am back......


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