Best promotion in life comes with its own set of challenges( in our case lots and lots of it..)- Ridit's first two months
If I would have been writing on the same day things were happening, emotions and words would have been different. whatever be the situation time is big healer and you always forget small details with time. Was thinking of writing this for long but when things were happening you don't get even time to think leave aside writing something. here I am going into past and remembering Ridit first few months at home. Lot of doubts were in mind when we brought Ridit home for first time. How we would manage things, would we be able to avoid infection, what precautions to take, how we tell Mom, Dad not to touch him, how we are going to avoid friends at home, how to take him to doctors visit as hospital is very far.. we had heard with great power comes great responsibility, I guess opposite is also true with greater responsibility you get power to fulfill it .. Daily routine wake up in the morning, prepare milk for Ridit, write down feed quantity in diary, measure temp, write down in d...