Best promotion in life comes with its own set of challenges( in our case lots and lots of it..)- NICU

Here comes the day which I feel is the most happiest day of someone'e life .. and you guessed right.
But in my our case, I had gone through the same emotions 2 weeks back so I thought the feeling would be same.
But this time it was  worrying and tensed than the last time (when doctor didn't operate  and wife came out of  OT without being operated)  and had some unusual unrest.. May be I  was worried more about the coming days than to live in present and believe me in that situation you cant live in present.

After waiting for more than hour finally doctor called and passed  the NEWS. not sure I am like that or not but I was still processing it and there was a surprise also.. First it was BOY and second Birth weight was way less than expected.   Here onwards I could understand why physicists are  doing so much research on Nano technologies even if we have bigger units to measure

Here onwards ,, I was not sure that life would take such a route that ml and grams can be so important in someone's life .........

I saw his face first time and it was hard not to let tears run away. somehow I controlled.  I would have loved to hold him but I knew that we wont get thaT opportunity any time soon.. God if father can be that emotional.. not to mention the feeling of mother who knew that you wont be holding your baby for so long.....

Starting now ,  we almost forgot what was going on last 2 weeks in ICU because there lies ahead the even greater challenge, lot of unknowns , test of patience, and that feeling that you just cant plan things in life and finally GOD is the ultimate power though doctors do their best.

Till then I had forgotten that we have home also in Pune as most of the time were being spent in Hospital only.

You know the one thing that you can not delegate  or you dont want to in life is fatherhood.. For first few days I would only be allowed to meet my little son in NICU and God was I ready for that ?? I realized I am ready more than ever..

At 10 PM , the same day he was born , I met doctor Shekhar and suddenly from that time , reality starts striking .. He was put on Venti because he could not breathe on his own..

First time I was saw him on Venti, dont know how I controlled my tears.. you dont want to see your new born in those things. All hands, legs had something or other for injection, giving  blood, mouth was full of tubes. You feel like helpless as you  cant do anything expect relying on doctors, nurses and you just cant be with him more than few mins .. I was staring at him for longgggg just not sure what to do or  what  to say.. total BLANK..

Next few  mornings and evenings , meeting doctors with the hope of one good news  but nothing came..
and when not meeting doctors, either on Net understanding the things doctors telling on daily basis , doing own calculation, assumptions and sharing the feeling with wife..

One good thing was wife was recovering all well and there was no bad surprise there. It was really hard for wife during these 3 weeks. What ladies have to go through to bring someone in life is beyond Man's ability I guess.

Days were so long and tiring emotionally and physically. Wife got discharged after 8 days and she could see the Sun after more than 3 weeks. She held it bravely through out.. Mother do that I believe..

Being on net and understanding Girafe bed, Sepsis, Venti,Apnea,Pneumonia and what not.. trying to understand when all this is going to end...

Day by day same routine, going morning in the hospital, discussion with doctor, see my son for few minutes. During day talking about him with wife, browsing to find stories of other preterm babies to find some hope, again going to hospital in the evening , meeting doctor and again  meeting son.. Looking at him.. During all that time touched with one sentence that doctor said that "HE is fighter" and I really feel that he is.... looking at all what he has gone through till now...

Finally 13th day, morning time - Dr Sarika  asked us to wait, she was smiling and talking to someone.Seemed she wanted to share something good... and God  yes...He is off the venti and on just Oxygen.
Pnemonia is better, had taken 1 ml feed.. and we were wondering what has happened in single Day ....

I can tell after 13 days ,, first time we were hearing so many good things all of a sudden.... it was beyond amazing ..... Hope was back...

From that day onwards, there were  more ups than downs. Though the daily routine remained same but the progress he was showing motivated us and helped us to be patient & strong

Daily  feed was being increased by 1-2 mls. but he was still on IV fluid for most of his energy requirement and was  still fighting with infections.

Till now I have not touched him because of fear of infection.

Wife started with KMC as per doctor's suggestion and i believe only Mother has the courage to hold such tiny baby.He was so small and still wife was holding him few times in day and giving KMC.

On may be 20-22 day, Hospital nurses and doctors started asking what did we name him. We were famous as sharma couple in hospital and everyone in the hospital knew us be it reception, insurance, lab ppl, doctors, NICU sisters, 4th floor sisters.

Suddenly we realized that we need to name him. All tension worries take so much toll on you that you even forget to find names for your Son. Finally we name him Ridit......

Everyday I  was  looking at the hospital board having names of patient and their admit date and was wondering why we are the oldest one ..

Because of some work in NICU, he was shifted to NICU room and that gave Pratichi full day to spend with him..

Morning she used to go in CAB to the hospital , spend full day with him, learning his habits, behavior. I started office but mind was always in hospital . Evening I go to the hospital , meet him and then come home. His feed was getting increased by few mls every day.

Slowly he was recovering and doctors gave hope that we could celebrate diwali at home with him.
But after few days , that hope vanished as he was not able to breathe properly without oxygen support. we started losing patience and set our mind that it would take some more time bfr we could bring home.

By end of Oct , new worries had taken over. how much weight is he gaining, fear of infection, how much feed he is tolerating. Daily morning when wife reaches hospital, first question comes to mind how much weight he gained. and full day mood depends on the answer to this question. some time 10gm,sometime 20 and one fine day it went to 80 also.

11th Nov was diwali and we were still now sure whether we would be celebrating it at home or not.

Meanwhile I was managing office with minimal work required to avoid escalation. Every day morning checked the most important tasks and was just praying GOD not more work please . Was not in a position to put mind and spend time in office. 6:30 sharp used to leave office and then to hospital..

Mom Dad were managing all the things at home. wife and me were totally occupied with Ridit.
Finally Doctors gave idea on his discharge date.. and we started counting the days in addtional to calculating grams..

Discharge date was 13th Nov and 2 days before that, Ridit was shifted to private room. NICU days were OVER.....

Ridit's first diwali was celebrated in room 407 Oyster and Pearl hospital... lot of crackers, smoke  but Ridit took all bravely ... as he always does.

Pratichi understood his schedule, how to check different symptoms, medicines and we were ready to take him home.. Finally he was ready to go first time out of hospital on 13th Nov.
and I thought wow everything is over and now it will be smooth sailing .. Was It ?????


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